Here's a simple (and probably well known) one to start:
When the priest or deacon reads the Gospel at Mass he begins with the words "A reading from the Holy Gospel according to __________." At which time the priest or deacon draws a cross with his thumb upon the book of the Gospels. When we respond, "Glory to you O Lord," the priest/deacon and the assembly (all the people in the pews) trace a cross on our forehead, lips, and heart. This is not just an outward action, but there is a prayer that each person is supposed to pray silently as we make this action. There are a couple renditions:
"Lord, help me to understand this Gospel in my mind, speak of it from my lips, and take it into me heart"
"May the Word of God be ever on my mind, upon my lips, and in my heart"
Praying this thoughtfully and meaningfully really help to prepare you to take in the Gospel message. Teach this to your students/teens!! :)
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